Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Britney praises Nicki Minaj despite being in mourning

Nicki tweets:

*My cousin Nicholas. Also goes by Juse, or @brolicalcoholic* Murdered. Last nite. Near his home. Brooklyn,NY http://lockerz.com/s/117042525

Lived in Brooklyn his whole life. My precious cousin. My baby. Killed last nite.
The talented Hip Hop singer  Nicki Minaj  and opening for Britney Spears in "Femme Fatale Tour" is not going through the prime of her life. And the singer despite her non-stop tour is in mourning.

A few hours ago hip hop star published via his Twitter account the sad murder of his cousin in the city of Brooklyn: "Nicholas. My precious cousin. My child. He lived his entire life in Brooklyn, was killed last night outside his home. " The Tweet, which accompanied a picture has been commented on by thousands of fans of the singer who have expressed their sympathy and support in these difficult times being experienced by the star.
Despite the sad news that shocked the singer maintains, their families and of course the thousands of fans who follow her, Nicki Minaj has a dream concert last night in Winnipeg, Canada and so I said the protagonist of "Femme Fatale" Britney Spears, who has made clear that Nicki was stunning despite the time passes, which demonstrates the professionalism of Nicki Minaj who despite going through the hard times has been able to involve the public and once again make it clear that among the singers there is no rivalry that says.

Nicki apparently could not attend the events commemorating his cousin because of their work. Nor do we know for certain data and reasons for the murder of his cousin, but yet we send our sincerest condolences and hope that one day the violence ends and not have to talk about such events reprehensible.

Lucky for Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj in Femme Fatale Tour.

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