Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm Like Still, Y'all Don't Know Me, Shit!

Ohh lovely blog how you've grown over the year. Went from 0 to over 1,000 peeps now. Thank you sooo much from the bottom of my heart and Happy Fuckin' New Year!!!

So let's reflect. That's what you do when a new year begins.....right? Well let's try it. 2010 was an okay year. Nothing great. Nothing horrible. Just okay. When I began 2010, I believe I was a little down. Nothing tragic or anything I've felt in the past but just a little down. Cause=Unknown. Going into this year I don't feel down at all, but actually very joyful and positive. I've learned a lot this year I guess you can say. And, once again, I had to grow very thick skin and fight. Something I'm beginning to get used to. My trust has been horribly battered and I have a hard time opening up to people now. You'll see why in a little. Let's begin with the okay things......

I was very honored to be in and watch two of my best friends get married. Those days were just shining and everything was magic! I am that bridesmaid that will cry the ENTIRE ceremony. NEVER thought I would be that girl. We all know my thoughts on weddings and how I am just not the big wedding type, but ohh to see my best friends do it is just a breath taking experience. All of the showers, and bachlorette party's, and vaca's kept me pretty busy. And that's what I portrayed....a busy busy girl. But in all reality, I was anything but busy. I was actually overwhelmingly bored. Bored to death. I wanted to move, but to where I didn't know. DC, Charlotte, Baltimore, had all been on the list for a while but I never LOVED those cities. I loved the people in them but didn't feel that "now this is for me" ever while I was in them. I may even like Pittsburgh, PA better and we all know how I feel about Pittsburgh and how it gives me the chills and nausea when i am in it! So I did something really random. I called up(ok not really hahaha. I facebook messaged) an old friend from high school and we started talking a lot and I had always wanted to go to Los Angeles; So I picked up and left for a couple weeks in Southern Cali. Never thinking I would die for it(I'm more of a NYC girl), well I did. I knew instantly almost that thats where I wanted to move. Everything there was slower. Everybody was soo artistic and out there. Days of the week and time didn't matter. And the best was you can be at Fred Segal then a hop skip and jump away be looking at the ocean. It was HEAVEN! It was me.

(The paragraph that follows is written for those who have been or are in recovery from substance abuse. Bless you and please know there is an end if you want it bad enough.)

I couldn't go to L.A. right away and am actually leaving in 12 1/2 days from now as I am writing this haha. My summer move was pushed to the side when my father was in a horrible motorcycle in the beginning of May. It broke me. Literally killed me. And although in the long run he would be fine(and he is!!!), I couldn't come to terms and deal with it. I was prescribed a drug in April called Adderall. I'm sure you all have tried that once or twice if you had gone to college or if you have a touch of ADHD like I do. Now up until that point I really hadn't done much with it and had rarely even taken the full recommended dosage each day. I did not want to start relying on a drug everyday to help my concentration but if you know anything about adderall you know it's just a form of speed and the high you get it wonderful and very addictive. And if you know me, I have a high tendency to be drawn to addiction and have had problems in the past with this as well. And then my Dad and then there I was bad to my old habits. To get through the two and a half months my dad was in the hospital and rehab, I went right back to my comfort zone of numbing myself. I did though, surprisingly, never returned to drinking alcohol. I had quit drinking in February and that is one thing I was not going to give in to. So I went and went and went and went and went until one day in August, after being strung out for almost 5 months, I just dropped. My electrolytes were out of whack due to my dehydration and lack of food. I had lost a good 10 pounds by this point. And I was severely exhausted. I only slept 2-4 hours a night during all this. I wanted this damn drug away from me. It was ruining my life. So I tried to quit. Lasted 3 days. Tried again a couple weeks later. Lasted 3 days. Tried again and tried and tried. As much as I hated this pill and what it did, I also was madly in love with it and could not quit it on my own. Let me also mention that I I also had every side affect in the book but don't worry that wasn't stopping me. I DID NOT want to go back to rehab so I became REALLY fucking strong. I gave the bottle, and paper prescriptions to friends. Hiding only about 3 in my wallet which I took later on that evening. I stayed up like usual (it was soo bad by bedtime was around 10am and if I had things to do in the morning I would just not sleep at all) and then finally surrendered. 6 days of miserableness, crying, sweating, puking, and being completely lethargic.......I woke up at one point and I knew it was over and I was gonna be okay. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks for weeks afterwards. I don't know who and who hasn't gone through an addiction but your free when it's over. I look at it now like a horrible dream. My sleeping still isn't back to normal and I am almost back to my old weight. All I can say is that we all deal with hard times differently. Never judge anyone because you have no idea what that person may be going through. Special thanks to my friends and parents, especially Doody.

Did I say we were going to start with the good stuff? Humm good stuff......ummm well I got really awesome new Prada sunglasses, but mainly my father making it through this accident is the best "good stuff" I got for you! Other things I was "okay" with in 2010 include Eminem's "Recovery" album, T. Swizzles "Speak Now" album, and the "When You're Strange" movie about the Doors. Those were some good things. Also the song "Runaway"(not the AWFUL "movie"), by Kanye West. There is someone who came to me to ask for help and I am still learning. Sometimes my advise isn't that great but it works and together we are getting though something and I love him. My friends, of course, played a huge part in 2010. I give my all to them. They are priceless treasures surrounded by shining stars and I just wish they could be with me at all times. We may be far apart but distance sure never made us grow apart for any of us. Love you all. Doody, You can speak on my behalf through anything and be completely correct. That's how well you know me. I am soo grateful and wonder how we got this far without each other??? You know me like no one else. I am soo happy to have the honor of your friendship. Let me see.....other "okay" things??? Well thanks to all the amazing musicians out there. I couldn't live without music. Alright that's about that.

Unfortunately, once again, I had and toughen up. I am still, till this day devastated that people who you thought you knew so well, aren't at all what they seemed to be. I hate the fact that I have to now not be free spirit with everyone and can't let everything out to everyone. Even the people that you trusted most. I had my trust, and my heart horribly battered as a handful of my "so called good friends" turned on me. I can't describe the type of pain that the words that were said to me and the people that did this and how broken they made me. I am now very weary of who I trust. It's sad. I never used to be like this. But wow after being backstabben from a group of girls in your hometown of Pittsburgh because of rumors and gossip, I learned they weren't even worth my friendship. Soo immature that not a one of them had or have ever even called me to tell me the TRUTH on why this all went on. It still pains me but I know that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE OR IS JUST BLATANTLY MEAN TO THEM UNLESS THEY HAVE SERIOUS JEALOUSY ISSUES WITH THEM. So in return I got stronger, skin got a little thicker, and am honored to be your topic of conversation. As much as I wish I would forget you all, I never will, and as much as I love you all and that will never change, what did change is the way I look at you. You used to be soo beautiful and kind to me. Now you all look like unattractive, evil, kneiving, selfish souls. Something I would never want to be or be surrounded by. And as many tears I still waste on the hurt you brought and still bring to me, I do know, in the long run, WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND. BIG TIME!

That's my 2010 and that's why I am pretty happy it has finally come to an end. To my people-I love you all soo much you have no idea. To my enemies-haha thanks for what you did. You actually made me a hell of a lot stronger and I will never let people like you into my life ever again. I'm better than this.

Peace & Happy 2011 my darling readers!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can You Get Me a Green Doll, Darling?

So the last time I wrote was about 2-3 weeks ago and I am soo sorry for that but please excuse me for that. I, 1st off, have a horrible time with the holidays(not much of a holiday girl. for some reason just always brings me down), and I am trying to get all my shit together for my move to Cali in 14 days. Trouble with the winter blues, time change, and packing has just left me exhausted. Soo exhausted that I had slept most of December away really hahahaha. Very excited for the New Year though! I feel really good vibes......for not only me but all of us. I just feel it!

I've been a tad OCD the past few days so instead of sleeping the 17 hours of the day that it is dark out, I actually gathered my bills, changed my address, transferred my car, and picked up the rest of my storage from a girlfriends house. Ohh and what I found was just wonderful! 3 whole boxes full of books, DVD's, and yes......every magazine from when Britney was having her meltdown in '06/'07. Talk about fun stuff to go through!!! Why I saved the magazines, I truly don't know but I NEVER do anything without a reason so they will go in the box with my other important magazines and Rolling Stones. I collect a lot of Michael Jackson and Nirvana/Kurt Cobain as well as almost every Rolling Stone Britney Spears has been on. And as for collecting, that IT. I don't collect anything else......besides maybe a couple of my cocktail dresses that will be vintage couture one day. I mean I wish I could say I collected Balenciaga bags, but nope.....just old Rolling Stones and People magazines haha. I enjoy them though so that's what matters. After the stack of week by week Britney breakdown, I started to unload my books and I was like the BIGGEST dork on the planet. I literally couldn't stop smiling. If you know me, you will know that reading and writing are 2 of my biggest loves and seeing my huge collection of books really got me high on life.

I have a particular genre that I usually lean towards and that is the Biography/Auto-Biography genre. I find it fascinating to read about how people got where they are, their struggles, and the passion that they had for their work. I do have a handful of favorite Fictional pieces as well. Below is a list I have composed of my favorites. If you have a wild imagination and really really can get into the character or person, then you are like me. When I find a piece I am to the point of obsession with, I almost transform into that character. Not to sound too nuts(even though I think I'm past that point), but when reading it literally takes me out of my realm of reality and into anothers. I suggest all these books to the highest degree. Boys-I'm sorry but a lot of these are ballet books. But more like crazy ballerinas so believe me you really might enjoy! And this is just a handful I'm writing down so if you need more, don't fret I got you covered.


Dancing on my Grave- by Gelsey Kirkland
*One of my top favs for various reasons. Let's just start off that I read this book while in the beginning of 9th grade for the 1st time. I have now read it over 100 times. And every time it still fascinates me. Gelsey is one of NYCB's Balanchine ballerinas. While there she was anorexic, obsessive compulsive, and had a great case of perfectionism. Later, with ABT, she had many of affairs with Baryshnikov, living off one apple a day, and a spiraling out of control cocaine addiction. All while being the most Prima of the Ballerina's in the world.

Valley of the Dolls- by Jacqueline Susann
*I'm sure most of you have at least heard of this spectacular book if not haven't already read it. But hello! it's Valley of the Dolls!!! It's to die. Takes place in I believe the late 50's early '60's. The story is of 3 women who move to NYC to live and go for their dreams and as soon as they all get what they want, everything becomes disastrous. The call pills, in the book, "dolls". "hand me 2 red dolls darling won't you?) And as they all get by there days on uppers and downers in amounts that Elvis must have taken, breakdowns, psych wards, and fame appear and disappear quickly.

Less Than Zero- Bret Easton Ellis
I got this at the bookshop in college one after noon while I was supposed to be buying History and Economic books. After the 1st page I knew this book was going to be astonishing. I skipped classes to stay home and read this book. It is about a bunch of rich brats returning from their 1st semester of college to L.A. where they all grew up. Drugs, sex, scandal, and anything you could ever want. This is actually my favorite book EVER........hands down.

American Psycho- Bret Easton Ellis
Yes.....every book that Bret has written I have read and I die for. American Psycho is no different. I actually read the book before I saw the movie and although nothing compares with Christian Bales performance of Patrick Bateman but I must say nothing gets better than the book. I'm sure many of you know, Bateman, is an psychotic character that you kind of actually end up liking. "I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip."-Patrick Bateman

Off Balance- Suzanne Gordon
This book is a intense look inside the crazy world of Ballet. Suzanne takes you into the depths of despair of what is soo beautiful is actually very very ugly. The competitiveness, the strive to be the best of the best of the best, body image, drugs, and the stage mothers who are there every minute watching their own daughters or sons die over an art that is so complex that nobody can make it perfect. Who will make it out alive?

White Oleander- Janet Fitch
I read this way before the movie came out and it is my second favorite book right behind Less than Zero. I actually because so infatuated with this book that at times I would read the same page over 4 times to make the masterpiece last longer. The main characters name is Astrid. Her mother goes to jail but is a very free spirit. Astrid is thrown into California's foster care and goes through hell and back. This book will move you. This book will leave you for years wanting more. I can't put into words how much I care for this story.

OKAY..........well that was only 6, so tomorrow i will do another 6. I hope you enjoy the miniature synopsis's and they make you want to go pick them up at the library or on Amazon tomorrow. Have a FABULOUS NYE.

Peace&Happy New Year

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hollywood's 20 Highest-Earning of 2010

Estimated earnings: $64 million

The complete list:
1ºOprah Winfrey-315.000.000
2ºJames Cameron-210.000.000
3ºTyler Perry-125.000.000
4ºMichael Bay-120.000.000
5ºTiger Woods-105.000.000
6ºJerry Buckheimer-100.000.000
7ºSteven Spielberg-100.000.000
8ºGeorge Lucas-95.000.000
10ºDr. Phil-85.000.000
11ºSimon Cowell-80.000.000
12º Jerry Seinfeld-75.000.000
13ºBritney Spears-64.000.000
14ºLady Gaga-62.000.000
16ºSandra Bullock-56.000.000
17ºEllen Degeneres-55.000.000
18ºMiley Cyrus-48.000.000
19ºTaylor Swift-45.000.000
20ºJudge Judy Sheindlin-45.000.000

Top 20 songs of Britney on MTV Lithuania

1º-...Baby One More Time
2º-Oops!...I Did It Again
6º-Born To Make You Happy
8º-(You Drive Me) Crazy
9º-Piece Of Me
11º-Gimme More
14º-I'm A Slave 4 U
15º-I'm Not A gGirl Not Yet aA Woman
17º-Me Against the Music
19º-My Prerogative
20º-If U Seek Amy

Britney tweet wishing Merry BRITmas

(december 23) Britney and Jason out in Long Island

Britney Spears visited boyfriend Jason Trawick’s family on Long Island and did some last-minute shopping before hopping on a plane yesterday afternoon. She and Trawick popped into Milk & Honey in Huntington and bought a coat, a few dresses, sunglasses and jewelry — a bracelet and a couple of necklaces. “She was quiet but friendly and asked to wear one of the dresses she picked out of the store,” said a source. Trawick paid with his credit card. The pair were later spotted with shopping bags at JFK, destination unknown.

Source: Nypost

Britney´s jacket SOMB was solidary with Africa

SOMB, or “Shirt Off My Back”, was founded on a simple model: one sold, one donated. For every item you buy, SOMB will provide a uniform to a child in Africa.

Get involved and buy their cute pieces at .

(december 23) Britney and Jason arrive at JFK airport in New York

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Don't Sleep, I Dream

When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep-And your never really awake.

So the cold air is all around and warm sun seems just so far away(well I only have a month until I can see the sun everyday thank goodness). But what do we do when these times come along? Go to bed at 6pm because It's pitch dark out and it seems like the right thing to do? Sit and stare at walls while listening to your own downer mix(if you don't have a downer mix let me know and I'll get one right out to you. I rock at mixes!), or the worst.........your therapists gives you a fucking sunlamp that you are to sit in front of for 30 minutes twice a day so you can fake you find into thinking your in the tropics. That lamp went flying out my window within two days. We may have issues with seasonal depression and insomnia but that sure as hell doesn't make us dumb enough to believe a light is going to make everything all chipper cheery!!! Now I've been through this before. Actually starting in High School(but I tend to think that not sleeping for a night was either I had a big day ahead of me excitement wise......ohh you know, sitting and talking to the boy you like, big pep rally, high school musical or any play performance. Now those are exciting things to stay up about and your 17 so who the hell cares. The world is yours to take. I could give a f about sleep. Now if I don't get sleep you would think something drastic had occurred because I alert the media and cry like a baby about it. Maybe it's just cause I've lived with this for soo long that I no longer believe any stupid drug can fix this problem. It's just you gotta let it ride out. Surprisingly you can get much accomplished during a night that you sleep and dreams have disappeared. Here is my absolute favorite quote about insomnia:

It's at night when perhaps we should be dreaming, that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull. I don't know if anyone has ever pointed out that great attraction of insomnia before, but it is so; the night seems to release a little more of out vast backward inheritance of instincts and feelings; as with the dawn, a little honey is allowed to ooze between the lips of a sandwich, a little of the stuff of dreams to drip into the walking mind. I wish I believed, as J.B. Priestley did, that consciousness continues after disembodiment or death, not forever, but for a long time. Perhaps that's why some of us insomniacs; night is soo precious that it would be pusillanimous to sleep all through it! A "bad night" is not always a bad thing. -Brian W. Aldiss

Those are very much my thought exactly. Although I may often complain and only sleep here and there when I can-I do believe the creative mind evoloves in the time. I don't know if it's the darkness, the loneliness, and the feeling that even though you're not're dreams are still talking to you and giving you idea that you would have never thought of if you hadn't had that "bad night". I learn so much at night because your true true interests that you fascinate about come out. Where would by eight gorgeous poem books be if I would have never not been able to sleep and began to write? Or the choreography that just comes to you while exhausted. These grande ideas are what keeps us afloat and maybe some of us have a pinch of insomniac in us to let our minds be free with us, for us to discover out next dream.

So as I have been in bitch mode, I will tell you a little secret. I discovered a lot over the past two weeks while unable to rest and have a lot of new work I wish to use and hopefully others will use as well.
As for any advise I could give you all that are and have struggled just like myself. Well to tell you the truth I have pretty much worn out my welcome on all sleeping meds. My psychiatrist and i were going through a list today and I was like "hated it, didn't work, made my mouth taste funny, I'd have to take like 20 of those to do anything" I've given them all a chance. But when you REALLY can't sleep there is NO cure. No amount of whatever is going to do it. Ex: my gorgeous Heith and my Pop King MJ, all the way to Eminem who thankfully was saved after 5-6 years of sedative abuse(main problem being Ambien). I did the sleep concoction drug route, I did the sober route, I did the drinking a bottle of wine route. None work so my advise to you all is use these extra 8 hours to discover new dreams, new fantasy's, and try things you never though you could before. It will all be worth it and in 3 weeks to 3 months you'll be sound asleep again....


(december 13) Britney leaving BCBG store in Los Angeles

New tweet from JIVE France about new Britney Music After BRITmas!!!!!

And there you have it, B fans. It’s coming. The wait is almost over. After BRITmas, all will be revealed. It’s gonna be the best era yet

Thursday, December 9, 2010

RUMOR: Britney Spears' 'Hold It Against Me' Could Be Next Single

Britney Spears, who has kept relatively quiet since her high-profile guest spot on "Glee," is reportedly readying the release of a new single called "Hold It Against Me" off her yet-untitled new album, due in March.

According to, "Hold It Against Me" will be first single from her new album and features production credits from Spears hitmaker Max Martin and Dr. Luke (Ke$ha, Katy Perry). Rumored lyrics to the tune recently surfaced on the Internet, but Dr. Luke took to Twitter to dismiss them: "I / we never wrote a song called 'don't hold it against me'.... BewaRe of InaccuraTe info kids ;-) We did write 'hold it against me' but those lyrics are NOT the lyrics ...."
Spears hinted about her work with the duo just a few weeks ago tweeting, "Just finished recording a monster with @TheDoctorLuke and #MaxMartin. Get ready..."
Word of new Spears music originated from the pop star herself one week ago, when she thanked fans for their birthday wishes and announced that her new album would drop in March. "I'm almost done with my new album and it will be coming out this March," she said on Twitter. "I AM IN L-O-V-E WITH IT!"
But what would Britney's music be without her signature choreography? It looks like the megastar is also gearing up to reunite with her former dancer/choreographer Brian Friedman, who worked with the singer on the remix clip for her tune "Overprotected." In a Facebook message, the dance mastermind wrote, "Hey everyone... won't be back from London till the late teens of December. Y'all better get your dancing shoes out cuz it's time for me to 'Hit you baby one more time...' Yes, Britney and I are back in action! Werque!"
If that weren't enough, the songstress also announced on Twitter that she teamed up with high-fashion photographer Mario Testino for a new photo shoot.
Are you excited for new Britney music?


why the story was a Big lie, a BIGGG BLUNDER???

 the that they sold us... and the real story, here down is Britney at the same place and day without "black eye"...
im only wants to say one thing... WHERES THE BABY?????????

In Touch Magazine Spain scans about Jason was an "abuser"


E! News Britney and Jason mexican getaway specia

(december 8) Britney at Topanga mall in Topanga

(December 8) Britney at McDonalds drive thru in Los Angeles

New Brian Friedman message about work with Britney

Hey everyone… won’t be back from London till the late teens of December. Y’all better get your dancing shoes out cuz it’s time for me to “Hit you baby one more time…” Yes, Britney and I are back in action! Werque!