Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1st Comes Love Then Comes Marriage

Well hello there people.......how are you?! Sorry I have been really bad about writing but really I have just dedicated myself to being a good gift giver for bridal showers. I mean at some points, yes it's true, I wanted to scream and call it a day but unfortunately that not what true shoppers do. I struggled through every moment of it. Bought then returned for weeks. I am almost finish with my next shower girt which will be presented on Saturday. You may not believe this but I am have bad OCD and anxiety when it comes to gift. Everything just has to be perfect because I want the person to enjoy the gift just as much as I do.

And another thing I wanted to discuss that is really annoying me and I find quite ridiculous, is the placing of the toilet paper on the thingy so the top layer is on top and not on the bottom. I NEVER used to be like this and then that damn commercial was repeated over and over this winter. Now I am a freak about it. They do not need to do that to people! Really does it matter?! NO! But I bet a few million more people are making sure their toilet paper if going over rather than under these days. Don't you?

Now here's where I would write about all of the great things you can purchase for the bride to be whether you choose to go off the registration list or venture off on your own. I just can't though because I have a few more of these things and a great shopper with a keen eye for greatness that doesn't look at price tags, never gives away her secrets!

Peave & Love


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Last Dance With Mary Jane

Can there be such a thing as Benedryl withdrawal? If so, I totally have it. I am going on my 3rd night without without one of my dearest sleeping helpers and I am not liking it one bit. Benedryl and I have been together since Feb. of '07. It added an extra little kick to my klonopin everynight and would really usually help me get a whole nights worth of sleep. One time I had left my bottle of Benedryl tablets at a friends house when I lived in the Southside. My roomate and I were looking up and down throughout the apartment because I was on the verge on a Benedryl breakdown. Finally I remembered it was at my friends house and I drove those 10 blocks as fast as I could just to grab the bottle from him who though I was absolutely nuts. Hey but everyone knows how it is when your addicted to something.......you have to have it NOW!

I have also suggested this method to almost everyone who comes to me with sleeping problems. Since I am the Queen, I pretty much know all and if you can't get the good stuff all you're left with is OTC sleep aids. These drugs, I believe, leave you tired and weary the next day. But not Benedryl, for it is just fantastic! One of my best friends and I just shortened the name to "the Dryl". At least that's all she needs for sleep unlike myself where this "dryl" is just added to my sleeping potion I have designed over the years. Now even though I have a potion that would knock out a 800 pound man, I still am human and have sleepless nights. When these occur I throw a fit and get completely flustered thinking that it will become a regular action. See now there were about 3 months where I was took my sleeping potion to a whole new level and STILL couldn't sleep. This would drive anyone mad. And then right in the middle of my master potion plan Heath Ledger had passed away from a sleeping potion he made his own. I was threatened by several friends to quit because my potion was almost identical to Heaths. So then I got scared as well and took one of the ingredients out.

Now why I am writing this today is because I actually got a withdrawal sign this evening while shopping at Anthropologie. I was in line and all the sudden I started to sweat immensely. I tried to shake it off but just couldn't so I fast tracked it out of there and ran to the Panara a few shops down. I was seeing double by this point and ordered a small drink as fast as I could. Thank goodness to the Coke and the sitting I began to feel a tiny bit better but then it came back with avenges. I was soo embarrassed that I may have to use the Panara bathroom to throw up from lack of Benedryl. But don't fret guys, I hung in there and even though I was drenched in sweat and looked like I had just gone through war, I made it back to Anthropologie to purchase my goods. I mean gosh though you would have thought I was withdrawling from Vicoden or Xanax. Not fun! So if anybody knows if there is withdrawal from OTC Benedryl, I would be more than happy if you could let me know because I cannot come up with any other conclusions to my hot mess of an evening!

Peace & Love


Monday, March 22, 2010

Make Love Not War

I suppose I am the only liberal here in Pittsburgh because all I have heard were negative accusations being made about Healthcare Reform bill that was passed as of last evening. Maybe you have to be me to see why I am so happy, not just for myself, but also for my fellow Americans who have pre-existing conditions and do not have healthcare.

Let's just start with this.....I don't follow anyones lead in who I choose to vote for. It's my vote and it's sacred to me. Just as I believe your votes are sacred to you. I do not wish to cause a big stir when I NEVER bring up politics around my friends. I don't need anyone telling me what's right and what's wrong. I have a mind of my own and I decide things using this. My Father is a Republican and my Mother is a Democrat. Besides my mother, the whole entire rest of my family are Republicans.

I could go out there and say that since my mother and I have been attached at the hip ever since I was born up until today, that possibly she persuades my decisions. But believe me, she doesn't. I grew up surrounded by the arts from a very young age. But I'm not even going to say that that swayed my decision to become a Democrat. I became a Democrat because it's ideals and goals are closer to my thinking and liking.

I couldn't have been happier when Obama was elected President of the United States! What a great moment in history! There are several things on my list of making the world better and it starts with EVERYONE being treated as equals. I still don't believe African Americans or women get treated fairly all the time and that needs to change. NOW! Also I am a hugeeee activist for Gay Rights and I see no change. This is HUGE to me. That needs to change very soon but there are STILL soo many homophobic and racist people in this nation that it disgusts me. We are all the same inside and should all be treated the same on the outside, no matter what your color or sexual preference.

Onto the Healthcare Reform

I have a pre-existing illness. It's no ones business so I don't need to put it out there but I will. It took me, since college, four years to get a job with decent healthcare. So for four years I went without. Working a full time job with two side jobs on top sometimes. I was sick and couldn't afford to go to the doctors all the time so a lot of work that my doctors and I did was basically over the phone. It was ridiculous. When I did get health insurance, I was very excited, but I did notice the copays for the certain treatment I needed were through the roof. And then I had to get help seriously this time so I took my 30 days of inpatient care and was then forced to apply for Medicaid on day 31. Basically one of the workers came into my room and asked me a bunch of questions and applied for me. When I was well enough to leave, I still had my prior health insurance from my former job to sustain for a month. I was very worried about what was to happen next. After all that hard work am I not even going to be able to go to my aftercare? And what about all the medications I needed(okay only 5 and with me only trusting the back in the day meds, mine are all basically on the $4 list).

And for some odd reason, God had answered my calls for help and I was granted medicaid. It really was a gift from God. A governmental healthcare that I don't know how I got but I did. Now I could go to all the aftercare I wanted and not have to worry about copays or prescription costs. I felt soo blessed.....kind of how I feel right now knowing I will never have to go without healthcare again.

Some of my friends that share my illness or similar illnesses, were not as lucky as I was. I have one dear friend that has been applying over and over for medicaid for over a year. Everytime-DENIED. When I told her the news of this last night she was just thrilled. This is only 1 person. How many this healthcare reform will save is limitless!

Nancy Pelosi put the reform into great words last night. Even stating that now one can "go after your dreams, start up your small business." We no longer have to take jobs we hate just because they have good benefits for ourselves and families. In my line of work(performing arts), I barely EVER have health insurance and now I will.

To end this, just as I stated in the beginning, I love everyone. I am a genuinely nice person and wish the best for everyone. All I want for everyone is to be equal and insured. I'm not pushing my way of thinking on anyone and I wish you do not insult my way of thinking. I am soo happy that in 4 months those without can have what some take for granted. I would and will be more than happy to extend my taxes to insure that every American citizen has healthcare. We're all in this together and the more we work together, ignoring race, gender, and sexual preference, the more we will accomplish and succeed as a nation.

I love you all!!!

Peace & Love

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Silicone, Saline, Poisen, Inject Me

I don't watch TV much but I often find myself watching the trashy shows with Dr. Phil. Sex rehab, celeb rehab, and sober house have been catching my eye.(with the help of my friend Michelle who basically lives for this stuff. Today we are just going to talk about one specific person but I think they are all very interesting people, to say the least.

Her name: Kari Ann Peniche. To me, Keri Ann adds all the excitement in this f'd up mess.....Kari Ann Peniche! Below is a brief little bio because really what do we know about Keri Ann besides she currently hold the title of crazy meth queen. Really crazy meth queen!

Okay she was born and 1984 and was a pageant girl. That's what I'm getting for profession and career. Okay whatever let's move onto the good stuff.....
In September 2006 Aaron Carter, then 18 years old, proposed to Peniche while they were onstage in Las Vegas, Nevada. They had known each other five days. Peniche, who had previously dated his older brother Nick, agreed. The engagement was broken off six days later. On August 17, 2009, a home video was posted on the website Gawker that showed Peniche with married couple and actors Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart. All three are naked, though the video does not contain any sexual acts. Starting in November 2009, Peniche appeared as a patient on the VH1 television show Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew, a documentary series about the treatment process for sexual addiction (filmed in April 2009) at the Pasadena Recovery Center (PRC). Peniche described herself as having hundreds of lovers, but being unable to emotionally connect with anyone or have any kind of relationship. Peniche's participation in the treatment program was marred by her aggressive and erratic behavior; verbally abusing the staff and other patients, refusing to participate in group discussions or obey rules, and voicing various bizarre or paranoid ideations, such as that people were laughing at her when they clearly weren't and smiling uncontrollably even when she was angry or discussing very sad topics. Dr. Pinsky, the treating physician, became suspicious that she was using illicit substances such as methamphetamine or had been prior to being admitted, and the staff psychiatrist diagnosed her as having Borderline Personality Disorder. It was indicated that both conditions require treatment before any treatment can be done for sexual addiction.[15] Eventually, her behavior became so disruptive to the program that Dr. Pinsky was forced to discharge her involuntarily. Pinsky offered her an alternative program at a psychiatric hospital nearby, but she refused.[16][17] Her reaction to this perceived rejection was severe: she resorting to verbally abusing staff members and making suicidal gestures. A PE Team had to be summoned with the police for a possible involuntary psychiatric hold, but this was determined to be unnecessary. Peniche left the Pasadena Recovery Center, but threw a bottle of water at resident technician Shelley Sprague as she exited the program.

Later, during production of the third season of Celebrity Rehab, Peniche contacted Pinsky, asking for help. Pinsky explains that her aggressive behavior during Sex Rehab was derived from drugs she smuggled in a teddy bear, and which were difficult to detect during drug testing because of the medication Peniche took for attention deficit disorder. Pinsky went to her residence, where Peniche showed him the crystal meth she was using. She was shown returning to the Pasadena Recovery Center (PRC) at the end of that season's fourth episode. (wikipedia)

GREAT stuff! I personally love Keri Ann. She may be temperamental at times and act absolutely insane at others, but I believe she is just a troubled girl who really needs her family! Where are they? The borderline personality disorder also adds a lot to why she acts the way she does and the fact that she has been using Meth really makes the spark in her character. If you use for a long time you're going to have a horrible time coming down and facing life soberly again. I guess that's what this sober house is about. We had out own version of "Keri Ann" when I was in my place of rehabilitation. The girl was awfully mean to us but I knew she had a good heart and was just going through a lot of horrible things.

My favorite is when Keri Ann enters the Sober House, fails her drug test, and then swears she didn't do it and starts throwing on of her classic fits. I wish the best for her and also wish her a clean and healthy lifestyle. Getting off drugs isn't easy kids so when you watch these shows and see the trama that occurs, just remember that.

Peace & Love


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To Dust I Guess

Here is a list of some amazing artists whom I love and what recordings I believe to be exceptional. Enjoy!

Weezer: Say It Ain't So, Buddy Holly, Undone-The Sweater Song

Radiohead: Talk Show Host, Karma Police, Paranoid Android, Creep, Exit Music, How To Disappear Completely

Madonna: La Isla Bonita, Like a Prayer, Like A Virgin

Smashing Pumpkins: Disarm, Bullet With Butterfly Wings, Tonight Tonight, 1979

Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time, Everytime, Slave 4 U, Gimme More, Break The Ice, Get Naked(I Got A Plan), Breathe On Me, Showdown, If You Seek Amy

Nirvana: Dumb, Territorial Pissings, Something In The Way, Drain You, All Apologies, You Know Your Right, About A Girl, Plateau(Meatpuppets cover), Lithium

If I had to pick my top 5(which is kind of impossible with all the Radiohead and Nirvana because almost every song is perfection)this would be it:

1. Dumb
I don't know what it is about this song but it's my favorite Nirvana song. Kurts lyrics in this peace are sung almost more like poetry. They are beautiful and moving. I completely relate to this song and I kinda feel the pain that's behind it. "I'm not like them, but I can pretend"

2. Talk Show Host
Once again I feel a huge connection to this song. The lyrics are very raw but kind of humerus at the same time. ex: "I'll be waiting....With a gun and pack of sandwiches" Gorgeous piece done by one of the greatest bands ever.

3. Disarm:
Beautiful and breathtaking. Billy states the song is about the shaky relationship that he had with his parents while growing up. Moving lyrics, and one again just a beautiful song.

4. Territorial Pissings:
I don't know what to say about this other than it's punk rock at it's best. Genious!

5. Paranoid Android:
Lovely song. The melody soothes you. There aren't a ton of lyrics for a song that is over 6 minutes long but I think that's part of the reason it's so wonderful. The song slowly turns from a very slow melodramatic song but in the last minutes get a very angry feel to it. Pure brilliance.

Peace & Love


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Not That I Don't Like You, I'm Just At A Party

We all now have a fun new way to tell people to stop blowing up our phones my politely telling them to "Stop Telephonin Me. I'm Busy" I like this. Straight to the point with just the right amount of 'tude. What I'm getting to, which I'm sure you can see, is a review of the Telephone video with Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce, in true Sarah Hollock fashion. It will feel like I went behind the scenes and was there for the filming of this 10 minute piece of work because if you weren't there you might watch and by the end just say "damn that Lady Gaga's crazy". That seems to be the usual consensus. Let's start!

Telephone is a fucking awesome track on Gaga's Fame Monster album. It's so kick ass and fun to dance to! Like the lyrics say; she's "Out in the Club, and I'm sippin' that bubb', and your not gonna reach my telephone." "Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore. I got my head and my heart on the dance floor."
My personal favorite-"Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.....Stop telephonin' me!" And the great "Tonight I'm not taking no calls cause I'll be dancing, Cause I'll be dancing, Cause I'll be dancing!"

With this being said you think a traditional club video with lots of champagne bottles would fit the bill, right? Absolutely not people! Gaga, like normal, decided to think way outside of the box on this one and came up with a glorious "Thelma & Louise" themed party for her and Honey B.

Now since I consider myself a veteran on this video, I have officially wasted 80 minutes of my life watching the performance since the Thursday evening premiere. I will also say 1st and foremost.....this is NOT my favorite Lady Gaga video and no Lady Gaga will never have Britney like videos. I had to mention that because I kept seeing that as a trend on blogs and comments about the video stating that "She'll never be as good as Britney." "She ain't Britney." or "I like Britney's videos better." Whoa okay now......after just writing all those britney quotes I feel as through I need to step in and speak on behalf of both these great women. 1st off......UMMM HELLOOOO!!!! Do you really think Gaga wants to be anything like Britney Spears?! Yes, Gaga has admitted to still idolizing Spears, dying to do a duet with her, and having Britney posters on her wall. BUT she is a totally different type of performer. I think maybe Gaga just wants to hang with Brit is because she think if they put both their absolutely INSANE brains together they will come out the the masterpieces of all masterpieces. I believe this to be true too. ANDDDDD another though for all of you "she ain't no Britney" peeps, well obvi. Gaga came out, skipped all the good girl motions as we usually see girls go through and she just came out straight up crazy. And is great! She is absolutely hilarious. If you actually listen to her lyrics and get the wonderful dark humor that lays inside of her songs, you will see her completely differently. She follows no one and makes her own rules as she goes. Her main thing is to let others be able to release their inner freak without being ashamed.

Enough nonsense, let's get to the good stuff! (this portion is X rated so those under 18 please do not read) Thanks dolls!

The video begins with Gaga getting her ass thrown in jail and they strip her down and say "told ya she don't have a dick." Then Gaga appears in the recreational area outside with the other inmates and makes out with this other girl for a good while. The scene is completely unnecessary but Gaga always says how much she loves women so I'm sure she just threw this in there for her benefits. Now we are back inside at a fight scene where she has diet coke cans in her hair and they announce Beyonce is calling for Gaga so she gets on the payphone(man, I love payphones), and starts to sing. Then she does a whole dance scene down the jail cell with like 5 other girls all decked out in there bra's and thongs. She looks soooo much like Madonna circa the '80's in this video it's crazy. The real dark brows with the short blonde hair. It's awesome. Then Honey B bails her ass out. Gaga comes out wearing a fabulous getup with a darling hat and pink hair. The best part of the scene is the jail attendant letting her out but they show what website is in on twice which is a dating site for chicks called Fish Lovers, I believe. They have blurred it out since Thursday night. The video was a little more naughty Thursday. She jumps in the van with Honey B and is told that she has been a "very very bad girl". Honey B is eating a honey bun and gives Gaga a bite, which she takes like a dog that hasn't seen food in a while. Then throws the remainder out the window. The dialogue in the next 30 seconds is probably some of the best, humerus, dark, pure crazy, things only I believe Gaga would write. She asks Honey B if she wants to go through with this and she says yes then Gaga says "Well you know once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger." Gaga looks over at B and looks at her after she says this with a priceless facial expression. Then Honey B comments back to Gaga saying "Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broke." Then Gaga states "But you can still see the crack in the motherfucking reflection." Honey B looks strangely at Gaga then breaks into her solo.

Then we arrive at the small diner on the side of the road. Honey B sits down with her boy toy Tyrese. They speak and it is also translated into captions because it does begin to get a bit loud. When he isn't looking she adds a small bottle of poison to his coffee. (CLASSIC GAGA VIDEO MOVE) Then we just to my favorite part. The bridge of the song. Gaga is in the kitchen, with her backup dancers, of the diner whipping up some sandwiches. She has a magnificent phone headpiece and is dressed in a thick rubber which you can see her nipples through and a white apron. The brand Wonderbread is shown a lot. Gaga is flawless in this scene and if you are used to her videos she is making funny faces and insane gestures as she dances in the kitchen that we are used to. Then we get to my favorite part!!! They quickly do a shot of Beyonce and show Tyrese coughing. A flash appears and Gaga gets the great idea to make a batch of poisonous breakfast food. She walks out and serves the food and as Tyrese chokes to death, Honey B says "I knew you would take all my honey you selfish motherfucker". Everyone in the diner is poisoned and the corpse lay everywhere just as Honey B and Gaga begin a huge dance scene in the diner with those that survived. Gaga and Honey B are dressed in a wonder woman gladiator theme. Done up in American flags. They flee the scene and hop into the Pussy Wagon truck. Flashes of them dancing outside of it show as the video comes to an end. A new flash appears letting us know that both ladies are fleeing from the massive homicide they committed earlier and they drive far far away from the crime scene. THE END!

If you are wildly confused, don't fret. I'm very good at figuring out and explaining these impressions that are trying to be made and their everlasting impact on the pop culture world. They are many many hidden meanings in this artistic piece just like they're are behind my favorite "Paparazzi."

Now I read a blog yesterday where the video was actually dissected and showed what heavy significance they video wold play on American society. I found this person to be a little strange. It's a music video to a song called Telephone! Yeah it's fun and cool but long lasting significance on American Society? I don't think so. It will probably be forgotten as Lady Gaga's musical career advances. The only thing I see of any significance is the glamorization of Jail and the inmates and the glamorization of murder and death. (which have boths been used many times before). The all American diner carries a small significance in this story as it shows real life in a small town and I believe the red, white, and blue costumes at the end sum up "only in America." The only point that I have made that I am going to further investigate is the usage of poison(s) in Lady Gaga videos. In the past 3 videos she has killed off her lovers(in this case she killed of her friends lover). I love this and I think it stands for feminine power. Just because this video is 10 minutes long does not mean that it has more significance that "Paparazzi", or "Bad Romance." maybe I'll examine those next but for now we are all done! If you have any questions or just love the video, please leave your support! This is official the longest blog I ever wrote.

Peace & Love


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You Want A Piece Of Me

I was checking my daily gossip sites, which I rarely do anymore, and the first thing I opened it up to was to find new about my friend who has been dating a very famous TV actor and host for the past few years, is now pregnant. Having grown up with this girl since I was 12, it just was weird to see this splattered over the trashy gossip sites. A huge congrats in is order, but that is such personal news that I don't know how I would feel if it was me. I completely understand these things come with fame and you must live with them. Her boyfriend did release the news to the press so it was inevitable for this to happen. I would love to know how you would feel?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

A couple of years ago I purchased a book titled, "If I'd Known Then: Women in Their 20's and 30's Write Letters to Their Younger Selves". Now due to the boring nature of this book and the horribly boring stories written by Jessica Alba(I guess she got her breasts early and the boys called her a slut and she decided to use condoms. Really Jessica? Horrible story!), Sasha Cohen(trying not to concentrate on the past or the future but the present), and Plum Sykes(trying to tell herself that being shy is chic. Yah ok?). So what I'm going to do hear is going to differ a little from these stories and hopefully give you a little something more exciting to read. I'm writing myself at the age of 17. (ok mine might be a tad boring as well but at least it's not about early development of breats)

Dear Sarah,

You work so hard on trying to be normal, popular, and fit in that you often forget who you truly are. I hate to tell you this but you will never be a Cheerleader and you will never date the Quarterback of the football team. You cry so many nights away because of this. Things that are "normal" to you, aren't usually normal to most 17 year old. But it's all you've ever known and you want to throw it away. You fight with your parents in front of your friends about dance classes that you have every evening. Trying to look like you don't care and would rather go hang out at the mall with your friends and crush. But in all actuality, you live to go to your dance classes. You have since you were 4. Yes, no one may know what it's like to spend 3-4 hours every evening after school and on the weekend practicing your craft. But you know what joy it brings you and how much talent you carry. And most people don't find out what they were placed on this earth to do so very young. But you do and you should be proud.

Go hang out with your drama club friends at school and forget about the harsh words that come out of many kids mouths. The words "dork", "loser", "drama geek", and etc. are going to actually make you laugh in just a couple years. You wait and see. I'm so proud of you for staying in the path you did and working your butt off everyday for something you knew was going to be your future. How many kids do that? Yeah....you missed out on having your first drink in high school, school dance activities, and the popularity you wanted so badly. Does it even phase you now? No. Always be true to who you are and follow your heart. You are about to make one huge mistake by going to a non performing arts college, but in the end it gave you the sense of normalcy that you were always searching for so please don't kick yourself everyday because you think you should regret your choice. You were a very smart young lady. And guess what you are doing today with your life.....still chasing the same dream and with hard work and a lot of belief in yourself, you will continue to succeed more than those that had mad fun of you. And just an FYI....people only make fun and talk about people out of jealousy. Always remember that. You're wonderful the way you are!

Your superfreak inner self,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Left My Head and My Heart on the Dance Floor

Finally the March Must Haves are in.....and only 6 days late! Here they are and hope you enjoy.
....Have a glorious March and always remember beauty comes from within, you have the ability to do whatever your little heart desires in this world and can make it happen with hard work and will, and always love. Without loving you do not have much. Muah! God Bless!

10. Drink a Green Beer! In honor of St. Patrick's Day all of the true Irish men, women , and a TON of other heritages come together in celebration and drink drink drink! Some may get arrested, others may have just 1 too many car bombs. But no matter what, it is always a day to remember! I, personally, cannot do St. Patrick's Day due to past years of over intoxication, and making out with too many boys have on those dumb pins that say "kiss me I'm Irish" in the past. Eww I mean I don't even know why I do that. I'm not even into blond hair and blue eyes. My party is and has been over but have fun the rest of you!

9. Get through this slushie snow melting month with a cute pair of Wellies. Burberry and Kate Spade have some very cute ones as always but I am going to go with my all time favorite Hunter wellies. Hunter wellies in black or any solid color for that matter are a great staple piece for every shoe closet and sell at only $100.

8. Eat me, Drink me, Johnny Depp me. A ticket to go see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D! I'm going to go this evening I believe . I just cannot wait!

7. A ticket to the T. Swizzle show! I have a second chance at my dream to see Taylor and this time it just must come true. She's going to be playing in LA the same time I will be there. Coincidence? I think not. It's fate.....and I will not be late!

6. Metallics and Sequins round 15. You know I looked in a lot of mags and all I found out about March that metallics and sequins were STILLLLLL going to be popular. I believe this to be last years news but hey if you didn't hear it then here it is. (Not a complete must have for me).

5. Biotin! So last night my friend Dominiques hair was almost down to her waist. It looked phenomenal! How did she to it. She was soo over her fine, never seeming to grow, hair; so she took a lovely trip to GNC. She was going on and on to all of us how much this little Biotin pill has done for her. I'm going to give it a go for sure. Also works for nail strength.

4. Blue, blue, blue. Blue is the new black of the moment. It's a gorgeous blue really. A blue lagoon blue and a Peacock blue. Gorgeous, just gorgeous! This goes for women and men!!! Come on guys work with me.

3. eBuddy app for iPhone. I rarely get on the computer to check my facebook or my gmail. This is an app that is not particularly for me because I would prefer talking on the phone rather than through text or through any online chatting system. But for you that do, this application is a must! It lets you be on your facebook, aim, gmail, and whatever other chat systems exist out there, all at once! To me it's a headache, to teenagers it's absolute heaven!

2. Jean Leggings. I got my first fair of jean legging's last month. These wonderful J Brand pants were a must for my closet. I live in them basically just like my black Joe Leggings. And the best is that they make your butt look mmmm soo good!


Peace & Love


Thursday, March 4, 2010

And Now She's in Me, Always with Me, Tiny Dancer in My Hand

If I had pulled tonight when I was in high school I would have been kicked out. With that being said I'm sure you all are all wondering what happened. Let's start from the beginning.

Today was going very well. I saw the sun for the first time in 45 days, was giggly, and very productive. I actually took the time to stop at Kinkos and make a copy of my unemployment sheet to send into my student load. Easy you may think? No. It took me 8 months to make that copy. They are going to be soo thrilled when they can actually put me on deferment. Anyways! Even this morning I woke up and was soo excited to go to ballet tonight. I was bragging to my friend about how I only had 7 hours till class. Just an FYI.....I am not normally this excited to go to any class but since my funds were low last week I didn't have the money to support my $250 a month ballet addiction.

Moving along. I had a conflict. I was supposed to work at 9. Do I work, no! But If my little Pittsburgh Talent Agency or the Casting office calls I'll usually do it. Well depending who's in the scene. Anyways.....so this was a job that I haven't done in quite sometime. Promotional modeling. Eww I just quivered at the thought of it.(I left that in my early 20's where it should stay!) But basically all you do is stand around, look pretty, and do nothing and make a lot of money. It was for the Black Eyed Peas afterparty. But something inside of me snapped and said "okay no. I'm too old and I need to go to class. LA is in 5 weeks and damnit I will have my développé
back up to my ear by that time!

So I get to PBT(pittsburgh ballet theatre) early cause I needed a new class card then I look at the schedule and they are having no classes the last week of March into a few days of April. So I said F that and said I was leaving for vaca and REALLY needed class that last week of March and I would have to go elsewhere, so they cut me a deal. Don't worry I'm only saving one dollar less on each class. Wow! So barre went great like always but then we moved to centre and that's when the drama occured.

The first exercise in center we were doing a combination of grande battements, tendues, and pirouettes. I fell out of both my my double pirouettes! Who falls out of their pirouettes? Certainly NOT ME! So I already began to get irritated and mad with myself. The next exercise went fine and then we did ADAGIO. Adagio has always and will probably always be my least favorite part of glass. I even hate it at the barre. What adagio is is a sequence of slow and elongated movements. A bunch of arabesques, développés, and pliés. So we started off with a grande plié in fifth. I knew my center was off when I fell out of my turns but I didn't know it was going to lead to this. Now this has happened before and happens often, probably with anyone that's ever been a serious dancer. I fell! Right at the bottom of the damn grande plié! And right onto my bottom! Well at least I had fell onto the my favorite chiffon ballet skirt, but still!

So I got really upset for some reason and moved to the side and leaned on a barre. Okay you sooo do not do that in dance. Dance is still a discipline where you have to bow to your teacher after class. It's a discipline that when you are 3-18 you are screamed at and tortured until you are soo afraid of your teacher that you will literally spend all of your free time torturing yourself so you have a perfect class that night and you can go home with a smile on your face. If you act up you're pulled out of the class and made to watch the rest of your classmates. You can also get written up for bad behavior and thrown out of the academy. It's a crazy art form.

So I guess since I am an adult now I am allowed to say "I do not wish to finish the combination and will wait until adagio is over." That's what I did and although I look back and it seems soo clildish(my teacher,Bob,thinks I am only 20 anyways) and soo bratty. Now I went to PBT when I was young and a refusal of a combination would put you in soo much trouble that you would never want to go to class the next night.

So here is the lesson of today. You fall.....you get right back up and work 15 times harder than you were before. Don't be typical ballet bitch and throw a fit. I will NEVER do that again. Off to torture myself with endless grande pliés in fifth! I'm a really bad perfectionist when it comes to dance. It's my downfall.

Peace & Love


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We Can Make it a Freakshow, Freak, Freakshow

Bored late at night? Have insomnia? Or do you happen to work in a cube and play on the internet all day? Either way it doesn't matter because good entertainment awaits you. This is why I love Twiitter. It's soo f'ing dramatic it's fabulous. Follow these instructions and I promise you will get a laugh or 1000.

Follow @CourtneyLoveUK Now she on her own can be great entertainment but for the past 3 days she's been a tad out of control with the tweetng but whatever. *sidenote-You will never know what she is trying to get across. Main characters include Kurt, Billy, Edward Norton, and Her daughter Francis Bean who she does not have custody of at the time.

Follow @FairNewsSpears This person is great. 1st off I guess Britney and Courtney share the same lawyers so this girl is ALL OVER both the conservator case and the Kurt case. The best is she is just a journalism student. Courtney Love Cobain, in true fashion, really believes that this girl can help her case. So in all reality she should be called @FairNewsSpearsLove

And the best I saved for last.......drumroll please Sam Lutfi!!! Follow @SamLutfi and you can be entertained very well. He is also bff with Courtney all the sudden and she thinks that he could save Britney. And Sam still lives in the past and talks openly about Britney and her awful parental(I do agree with him on the awful parents part) with stories from 2006-2007.

With these three intertwined, all is great in Twitterland! Ohh and someone really called Sam Lutfi a hero? Humm last time I heard from you Sam I think you were let her talk in British full time, his phones from her, and was her "manager." Now all we need is Adnan, whom I'm sure Courtney will love too, and the picture would be complete!

Peace, Love, & Tweets,