Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just Follow Me! Cuz We Need a Little Controversy

Hey my lovies, "and who are you again" readers! I am having a blast with our new Twitter account, where I have been following many many topics that you read about daily on the blog. Fashion, Music, Fabulous Shoes, Entertainment PR, the latest makeup trends from world famous makeup artists, and mingling with fellow really fantastic Bloggers! But don't worry, I have not forgot the core and heart of "and who are you again". I am also following and learning more to help our knowledge even further on the topics of Depression, Suicide Prevention and Awareness, Human Rights Campaign, PETA, The Trever Project, Addiction services, Make-A=Wish, and Habitat for Humanity.

My favorite process over these past couple days that I had a little free time to do this is following all the amazingly awesome Dancers/Back Up Dancers that are on tour with many of our favorite musical artists! And don't worry....I found and am following almost all of Britney's backup dancers from 1998-Current! Come join in one the fun. I was never into Twitter because i didn't know how to really use it but I am enjoying it way more than facebook already!

Follow "AWAYA" on

or if you already have an account you can find AWAYA under


Have a FAB Memorial day Weekend!


@sarah.hollock that's my account as well!

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