Yes! ....2009 and the years behind that are over! Finally! 2010 is going to be awesome. I just feel it in the -2 degree air! I just want to make one thing clear to you this year.....I do not wish to be in a serious relationship and do not wish to be proposed to. Thank You.
I've decided to switch it up this year and actually let all of you hotties know what's going to work and what's not. I'm a pretty simple girl and very extraordinary so don't worry this won't be boring. I don't want a guy in suit who has plans to move to the suburbs and start having a family. I've had my fair share of those and it is the BIGGEST turn off ever! Soo, let's begin.
1. Nothing serious. Let's just have fun. Act like kids for a while. Be happy and not think about tomorrow but just live in today.
2. Someone to lay around with and play video games with all day in our sweats.
3. I love boys who fuck around with their guitars at all times and have jam sessions with their buddies. To me that's really fucking cool.
4. Be an individual and do not discriminate towards anyone. That will end everything faster then you even know.
5. You can be as immature as you want(cause I am as well), but once and a while be able to hold an intellectual conversation.
6. Be a dreamer.
7. Must have a laid back cool individual sense of style.
8. And be able to deal with my frequent vaca's, and that my friends come before anything.
9. Don't cheat. Just break up with me 1st. Is that too hard?
10. Stay in bed with me all day and play if I ask.
Soo that's not too hard right? I've been dating the biggest douchelords in the world I think. I can name like maybe one that had some of these qualities. 2010 is going to be different.
A Little About Me
I'm not changing for anyone. Most days I wake up, turn on Taylor Swift, and sing into my brush in my underwear. If that's going to be a problem then back off. I wouldn't care if you did the same.....well hopefully not to Taylor. I really have started thinking and worrying about myself and not everyone else around me. I will love, love, love the fuck out of you but if you hurt me or do something stupid, I'll have to move on. I have a shitload of goals right now so commitment is kind of hard that's why I want to make sure you read (1.) over and over ohh and the part about no marriage talk. I'm the best gf ever but do have a short attention span. Sorry. I do promise though that my heartbreaking days are over. Treat others how you would like to be treated! I a really fun chick. I'm also a lover of writing and recieving love letters and random roses.
Okay that's enough but here are some important questions to please send to your friends that you think I'd like or you or whomever hahaha this is soo fun!
1. What is your favorite band?(cliche? I don't think so. This actually tells a whole fucking story about a person.)
2. Favorite thing to do?
3. Do you tend to think about the future a lot or tend to try to just live one day at a time?
4. Do you talk about your cubicle job a lot? Do you have a cubicle job?(this also says a lot)
5. If you could live anywhere or plan on moving in the near future, where may it be?
6. Are you a sports freak? (I personally like Rafael Nadal but I don't take my tennis love too much out of hand.)
7. Would you care to live in a small apartment as long as you were with the one you loved?
8. Do you love to be in love?
9. Do you have a cool group of friends and love to have guy time? (I would sure fucking hope so)
10. Are you offended by all of my horrible language that I just put in this blog? (If so, I am truly sorry. Trying to quit.)
And my thing is "It is always better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all" Relationships are sticky and no matter how much love is there sometimes it may not work but you always have the wonderful memories.
Peace & Love,
-can't wait to hear what you think!
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